Equipment provides the ability to control availability of resources used by appointments preventing overbooking.
The rehouses are assigned quintiles to limit the numbers available and this equipment can be allocated to multiple appointments and is not linked to a specific location.
Example if you have a limited number of Hot Stone Sets, these are associated to the relevant massage appointments restricting the number of massages which can be booked at the same time.
Creating Equipment
In "Administrator" click onto "Initial Setup Menu" then click onto "Equipment" or via "Configuration" click onto “Equipment”
To create new Equipment click onto the "Green Plus"
Enter a description
Move the required Sites from left to right to allocate
Select the "Green Tick" to confirm
Equipment Availability
To add a quantity and to make the equipment available
Select the "Ste Details" Tab
Select the relevant Site
Enter a quantity
Availability Overrides
To temporarily override the available quantity, you can create an "Exception"
Click onto the “Green Plus” button located in the “Exceptions” box
Click onto the date "From" and "To" and select a date using the calendar
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