EMS | Appointment Progress Types

EMS | Appointment Progress Types


The guest journey is visually displayed by its progress status and associated colour.  At each stage of the guests journey the appointment will change colour so users can clearly see the progress of the booking.

The progress stages are Part Booked, Booked, Web Booking, Confirmed, Checked In, Arrived, Completed, Billed, Departed, Non Arrival.


Appointment Progress Colour

In "Administrator" click onto "Initial Setup Menu"  then click onto "Appointment Progress Types" or via "Configuration" click onto "Appointment Progress ypes" 

To change the colour of the progress type select the coloured block to the right of the progress type

You can the select:
  1. The basic colour pallet
  2. The rainbow section panel
  3. Enter the RGB colour pallet codes

Part Booked

There is the functionality which can be enabled to book appointment which require a staff member and room or facility and initially only schedule the room or facility.  Operationally this allows the user to take the booking and allocate a staff member at a later stage.

Web booking

If you are using Online by Premier any booked appointments will be recorded as a Web Booked appointment and will be displayed in the appointment view as this status and its associated colour.


Appointments which has been marked as confirmed will be displayed as this status and its associated colour.

Checked in

The “Checked In” functionality is relevant to hotel and resorts where the guest can check in to the hotel even but may not have visited the spa or leisure departments.
Any multi-day bookings will display as checked In for the second and subsequent days.


This status is applied to all appointments which have been through the arrival process in Reception  .


If a client is booked in for several appointments throughout the day then these can be individually marked as completed.


The billed facility is for hotel spas, for clients that are staying in the hotel and have been marked as “Resident” or on a reservation with multiple appointments.  The user can bill the individual items, rather than departing.  This allows for billed appointment to me moved in the appointment views.


All clients that have been booked into the diary have to be arrived and departed; departing the client is how they are billed at the end of their visit. Once the client has been departed the status of their booking changes, the colour will be the departed colour and the appointment can no longer be amended.

Non Arrival

If a client does not arrive in the spa for their appointment it is best practise to leave the booking in the diary, even if the appointment length is shortened to allow for another booking.  That way a log is automatically stored on the client’s card to keep a track of repeat offenders and the client can be charged if required depending on the spa cancellation policy. Once the end of day has been confirmed the appointments status will change to not arrived and turn the relevant colour.

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